General tab

Use this tab to configure the general barcode processing settings.


Option Description
Activate Select this check box to activate the Barcode component in a workflow.
Maximum number of barcodes on a page or a zone Specify the maximum number of barcodes that the component should try to read from a page. Set this value to 0 if you want the component to look for all barcodes in a page or a zone. Specifying a maximum number of barcodes can improve the performance since the component will stop searching the page for barcodes once it has read the maximum number of barcodes specified.
Minimum barcode length Enter the minimum number of characters for a non-fixed-length barcode. The component will skip variable-length barcodes whose length is less than the specified minimum length. By default, the value of this field is 4.
Types Specify the barcode type that is going to be read from the image. If you are not sure about the barcode types on the images, select one of the auto detection modes and the component will recognize any of the supported barcodes:
  • Autodetect: Auto detection of any barcode type.
  • Autodetect 1D barcode: Auto detection of 1D barcode types.
  • Autodetect 2D barcode: Auto detection of 2D barcode types.

You can also select a specific barcode type from the supported barcode types:

1D barcode types
  • Australian Post 4 State bar state
  • Australian Post 4 State C table
  • Australian Post 4 State N table
  • Code 11(USD-8) C check
  • Code 11(USD-8) K check
  • Code 128
  • Code 93
  • Code 3 of 9 (Code 39)
  • EAN 13
  • EAN 8
  • EAN EXT 2-digit supplemental
  • EAN EXT 5-digit supplemental
  • GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded
  • GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked
  • GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Limited
  • GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Stacked / Stacked Omnidirectional
  • GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) standard and truncated
  • Interleaved 2 of 5
  • MSI (Modified Plessey) 2MOD10
  • MSI (Modified Plessey) MOD10
  • MSI (Modified Plessey) MOD11
  • MSI (Modified Plessey) MOD11MOD10
  • Patch Code
  • Planet
  • PostNet
  • Royal Mail (RM4SCC) 4State
  • Standard 2 of 5 (Industrial 2 of 5)
  • UCC EAN 128 
  • UPC version A
  • UPC version E
  • USPS OneCode 4-State (4BC)
2D-barcode types
  • Aztec
  • DataMatrix
  • PDF 417 Mode 0
  • PDF 417 Mode 1
  • PDF 417 Mode 2
  • PDF 417 Mode 3
  • PDF 417 Mode 3 Extended
  • MicroPDF 417 Code 128 Emulation Basic
  • MicroPDF 417 Code 128 Emulation Extended
  • MicroPDF 417 Mode 0
  • MicroPDF 417 Mode 1
  • MicroPDF 417 Mode 2
  • MicroPDF 417 Mode 3
  • MicroPDF 417 Mode3 Extended
  • QR
When you use Autodetect, the component can detect different subtypes for the single document of any of MicroPDF 417... or PDF 417... barcode types. To avoid problems with these types, please specify the desired type manually in the configuration.
Direction Select the barcode direction for 1D barcodes or 2D barcodes of PDF417 and MicroPDF417 types. This value is ignored for other 2D types.
  • Autodetect. The component will detect the barcode direction automatically. This should be used when the image scan orientation can vary and the barcodes can appear upside down.
  • Bottom to Top
  • Diagonal
  • Horizontal
  • Left to Right
  • Right to Left
  • Skew
  • Top to Bottom
  • Vertical
Selection of a specific direction leads to faster processing since all barcodes are assumed to be aligned uniformly and there will be no direction detection.
Assume UTF-8 encoding Select this check box to make the component assume that the barcodes are encoded in UTF-8.
Group barcode types to improve performance When this check box is selected, the component unites several barcode types into one group per read attempt. This can improve the general performance of the component.
This may affect the order of barcodes found on the page; the second number (barcode position) in ~LTB::*,*~ RRT will be affected when the same barcode can be detected as several different types.

Search zones

This group allows you to specify search areas more exactly. Instead of searching barcodes through all pages you can define one or several zones and select the pages on which to search. Barcodes outside the specified zones will be ignored. This will improve the performance of the component.

Zone search allows faster processing and creating Fields and RRTs of special type. This group contains the list of zones and the buttons for managing the zones. Information about all zones (name of the set the zone is added to, coordinates of the zone, units) is displayed in the list of zones.

Option Description
Search barcodes only in the following zones Select this check box to restrict search area to the specified zones. The zones are displayed in the table.

To add a zone, click the Add button. This opens the Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box which allows specifying all necessary settings for a zone being added.

To edit settings of an already added zone, double click it; the Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box will be opened with the zone selected for editing.

To remove a zone, select the zone from the table and click Remove.

Use Setup button to open the Setup Zoned Barcodes dialog box for specifying general template file and other general settings.

Page Split

These options allow you to set the criteria of splitting the document into pages. The component will split the document every time it finds a barcode that satisfies the chosen criterion.

Option Description
Split on barcode Select this option to enable document splitting functionality.
Using Select the method. The following options are available:
  • Regular expression: the component will split the document when it finds a barcode with a value matching a regular expression. The expression must follow the ECMAScript grammar. For more information about ECMAScript grammar, see Regular Expressions in the MSDN Library or the official website.
  • Wildcard: the component will split the document when it finds a barcode with the value matching a wildcard pattern.
    • *:Any value of any length (this is a default value)
    • ?: Any single character
    • [A]: Any single alphabetic character
    • [#]: Any single numeric character
    • [A#],[A#]: Any letter or any number

    For example, *.??? means any string that ends with '.' followed by three symbols; [#]* means any string that begins with a numeric character; and *Data* means any string that contains a "Data" substring.

    If you want symbols like * ? [ ] \ to be recognized as literal characters instead of wildcard characters, use the slash escape character: \* , \?, \[ , \], \\. For example, if a string [a*b]*c is desired to be found, use the following expression: \[a\*b\]\*c.
  • External script: the component will split the document according to the value returned by an external Visual Basic script. See the example of the Visual Basic script usage. When you select this alternative, the Scripts button becomes enabled, while the Pattern text box, the Keep barcode page and the Pre separator check boxes become disabled.
Scripts Click this button if you want to use Visual Basic scripts to define the splitting criteria. Clicking this button opens the Scripts List dialog box.
Pattern Specify the barcode pattern that is to be found in order to split the document. It is mandatory to fill out this field if the Split on barcode check box is selected and you select either Wildcard or Regular expression in the Using box.
Keep barcode page Select this check box if you want to keep the barcode page. If this check box is not selected, the barcode page will be discarded in the output document.
Pre separator Select this check box if you are using the barcode page as a separator, and you want the barcode page to be kept at the beginning of the document. If this box is not checked, the component will assume that the barcode separator is the last page of the split document and will start a new file after it. This check box is only enabled when the Keep barcode page check box is selected.
Hide empty work object Select this check box if you want the component to hide an input work object after splitting it. If you do not select this check box, the component will pass the original work object further in the workflow; this object will not contain any documents.

This option is enabled only when Split on barcode check box is selected.