Modify the configuration file

Prior to running the executable, modify the configuration file to change the User ID mappings. Supported configuration parameters are listed in the table below. See Obtain Debug Logs.

Parameter Description Example
Spooling: SpoolDir
  • Directory for the spooled LPR files
LPQ-status: Banner
  • Banner text for the LPQ status queries
Banner="LPD server"
Username: IncludeIPAddress
  • If the IP Address is appended to the user ID
  • 1 = do not append; 0= append
  • The default value is 1, or do not append
UserName: RegExPatterns
  • The number of POSIX regular expression patterns to apply to each user ID
  • The actual POSIX expression patterns are placed in the Username-Regex parameter listed below
  • If the configuration file contains more expressions than this value is set to, the remaining expressions are ignored. For example, if this value is set to 3, but there are 5 expressions in the configuration file, only the first 3 expressions are applied.
UserName: IgnoreCase
  • If case-sensitivity is enabled or disabled
  • 1 = ignore case; 0 = case-sensitive
UserName: RefuseUnMapped
  • If print jobs from unmapped user IDs are refused or allowed
  • 1 = allowed; 0 = refused
  • Defines the POSIX expressions that are applied to each User ID
  • Each expression must include a From value and a To value. These values determine the User ID to start with, and the User ID to stop at when applying the expression.
  • Supported characters include "\" to rearrange values, "|" to ??, and "^" to indicate the start of a string??. Placing the syntax within brackets captures a pattern.
  • Example 1 to the right matches any number of digits at the end of each User ID and removes the digits. The From value is set to 1 and the To value is also set to 1 to apply the expression to all User IDs.
  • Example 2 examines all User IDs for the sequence "ababa" and replaces the sequence with "babab".
Ex 1[UserName]RefuseUnMapped=1[UserName-Regex]From1=[0123456789]*$To1=Ex 2[UserName-Regex]From1=ababa
  • Example 3 starts examining UserIDs with ID 2, then looks for all instances of the @ symbol. The expression then swaps all information before the @ symbol to the end. For example, "" is mapped to "company\person".
  • Example 4 examines all User IDs, then strips out all characters located after a period, up to and including the colon. This expression can be used to strip out a username suffix. All characters to the left of the period are left untouched.
Ex 3[UserName-Regex]From2=^(.+)@([^.]+)(\..*)?$To2=\2\\\1Ex 4[UserName=Regex]From1=^.*:
  • Mapping of disparate User IDs from LPR to match User IDs in Equitrac database
  • Use this setting to support a cluster.
  • The LPR command to print job.txt is LPR-S VirtualServer1-PrinterA job.txt
  • In the cluster, EQXLPD is set up like EQDRE service.
  • An identical CFG is required on each node.
  • In the example, PrinterR is the real printer, and PrinterA is an alias and does not exist as a real queue. EQXLPD picks up the LPR print job and looks up the mapping to send the job to the real printer.