Main window

Main configuration window allows you to configure all necessary settings for the component.

Option Description

Use this combo box to activate the component.

Select Yes to activate the component. If you select No, the component will be inactive during file processing.

This option is only available in the Datacap eConnector component.

When you use RRTs in this combo box, they should be replaced with a value that can be interpreted as Boolean TRUE or FALSE. Boolean TRUE activates the component, while Boolean FALSE makes the component inactive during file processing. The value is case-insensitive. For example, the following values will be interpreted as TRUE by the component: True, On, Yes, and 1.

When you select No in this combo box or any other value which can be interpreted as a Boolean FALSE (0, False, Off), all other options of the component are disabled for configuring.

If you specify a string that cannot be interpreted as a Boolean value at run time, the activation is FALSE by default.
Pass through

Select this check box to pass the original document to subsequent components in a workflow.

This option is only available in the Datacap eConnector component.

Web service settings
Service endpoint

In this field, enter the URL of the Datacap web service endpoint. The full service endpoint address should contain the following elements:


  • protocol: a protocol for connection to the web service; usually, it is http://.

  • serverhost: represents one of the following values:

    • The name of the server host machine (the one where the Datacap web service is running).

    • The IP address of the server host machine.

    • The full domain of the server host machine.

  • port: a port that is configured for the web service on the server. If no port number is provided, the default port number 80 will be used.

The following examples provide you with a sample reference:

  • http://datacapserver1:888/ServicewTM.svc

  • http://192.168.345.17/ServicewTM.svc

  • http://dcap.aschen.local:5050/ServicewTM.svc

  • https://dcap-8-1:5051/ServicewTM.svc

ServicewTM.svc in the web service address represents an endpoint file name. It cannot be omitted.

Click this option to test the connection with the server if it is a success or not. It gives feedback from the server, to the user.

Datacap application settings
Send to application

Select a Datacap application where the files will be sent from the list of available applications.

User name

Enter the name of the user account authenticated to access the Datacap web service. The user account name can be specified with or without its domain in the following form: domain\account name , where domain represents the physical domain to which the server host machine belongs, or the name of the server host machine.

If user account name is not specified, authentication data from Credentials Manager is used. Windows Credentials Manager has specific settings for different users; hence, the authentication data of the user currently logged onto the system will be used during configuring, and the authentication data of the user who runs the workflow server will be used at run time. In either case, the user must have read and write permission to both the web service and the application management file.

Enter the password for the user account specified in User name.

You cannot use RRTs in this text box.

Enter the station of the selected Datacap application.

Job name

Enter the name of a job into which the files will be routed.

The job should be configured in the application specified in the Send to application field, and a batch creation task should be the first task in this job.

If you enter an invalid job name, the component will fail to create a batch on the Datacap server and reject the files.

Please contact your Datacap server administrator for information on what jobs are configured for available applications.

Data settings
Set page type

Select this check box if you want to set a page type to the routed documents.

When this check box is selected, you should specify the page type in the combo box. The routed documents will be associated with the selected page type.

If a specified page type does not exist in a destination application, the component will assign 'Other' page type to the documents by default.


In the table, specify variables that will be assigned to the routed documents.

For each variable in the table, the following information should be specified:

  • Name: the name of a variable on the Datacap server.

    If a variable with the specified name does not exist on the Datacap server, then it will be created dynamically.
  • Value: the value of the specified variable.

  • DCO Level: the level for which the specified variable will be created. There are three levels available for every variable:

    • Batch
    • Page
    • Field
    If you specify a DCO level using RRTs and an RRT is replaced with an invalid DCO level, then this variable will be ignored.
DCO Level is a Datacap object level. Every level has its own number of variables which can be predefined by the Datacap server administrator.

You may use RRTs to specify all values in the table.


Click this button to add a new variable into the list.


Select a variable in the table and click this button to permanently remove it.

You can use RRTs to populate all fields of the configuration window except for Password.