Advanced tab

Use this tab to configure image recognition settings.

Page analysis

This group allows you to set the parameters for page layout analysis.

Option Description
Detect barcodes

If this check box is selected, barcodes are detected and recognized during the page layout analysis.

One Table entire page

Select this option to create one table per page when outputting to an Excel worksheet.

Image pre-processing

This group allows you to improve the quality of the image from an OCR point of view, which has impact on the overall page recognition accuracy.

Option Description

Select this check box to remove small noise from the image before recognition.

Remove texture

Select this check box to remove noise from halftone images.

Scanners often have the possibility of specifying the type of the document as "text", "photo" or "text/photo" (mixed). When "text/photo" or "photo" is selected and "black-and-white" scanning is chosen, the scanners apply a halftone or dithering algorithm to simulate gray levels. In this case, the scanned image contains a lot of noise and a special despeckle algorithm is required to preprocess it before OCR.


Select this check box to rotate an image to compensate for skewing for better and faster recognition.

Detect orientation

If this option is checked on, the page orientation is detected during layout analysis, and if it differs from normal, the image will be rotated automatically.

Rotate by

If this option is checked on, the image will be rotated. The option is disabled if the Detect orientation option is switched on. Specify one of the following option for angle of rotations:

  • Do not rotate
  • 90 degrees
  • 180 degrees
  • 270 degrees

Error handling

This option allows you to set error handling method.

Option Description
At page compression error:

Select one of the following actions to do if an error occurs:

  • Reject entire document: In case a corrupt page is detected in the input file, the entire document is rejected. This is the default value.
  • Replace corrupted page with blank: In case a corrupt page is detected in the input file, the corrupt page is replaced with an empty one in the output document and a warning is logged in AutoStore log. Select this option if error 0x8004C60A occurs.

At zone size error:

Zone size error occurs when the boundaries of the configured zone partially or completely exceed the boundaries of the processed page. Select one of the following actions to do if an error occurs:

  • Reject entire document: In case any zone size error is returned during processing, the entire document is rejected. This is the default value.
  • Skip invalid zones: If any invalid zones are identified, those faulty zones will be bypassed, and a warning message will be recorded in the AutoStore log. Select this option if error 0x8004C904 occurs.
    If the 'Skip invalid zones' option is enabled, the document is processed while omitting certain zones; however, if a required zone is among those skipped, it takes precedence, leading to rejection of the document.