Manage Billing Accounts Utility

Use Manage Billing Accounts to in the Administration application create lists of billing accounts. A billing list can keep either descending or ascending balances. In the list properties you can also define whether a list keeps balances for accounts and whether the balances are ascending or descending. By right-clicking on a billing account and selecting View Transactions, you can also view all of the billing account transactions associated with this billing account.

To open Manage Billing Accounts, either click Manage Billing Accounts in the Administration application, or click Tools > Administration > Manage Billing Accounts.

Billing lists

In the Select primary billing list to display box, you can create billing lists and edit billing properties for any existing list.

Option Description
Name Click a list to edit properties or accounts. Accounts are displayed for the currently selected list.
Description You can briefly describe the purpose of a billing list in this box.
New Click to create a billing list. Clicking this button opens the Billing List dialog box.
Edit Click to edit properties for a billing list. Clicking this button opens the Billing List dialog box.
Remove Click to remove the currently displayed billing list. This deletes the list and its accounts.
Import Click to import account information from a comma separated values (CSV) file.


The accounts table shows accounts that are defined in a billing list.

Column Description
Account Name Specifies the name for an account. Click in this column to edit the name for an account.
PIN Code Allows you to associate a pin code with an account. Click this box to define a pin code for an account or to remove a pin code from an account.
Current balance Shows the current balance for an account with an ascending balance. You can click to change this value. This column only shows for an account with an ascending balance.
Remaining balance Shows the current balance for an account with a declining balance. You can click to change this value. This column only shows for an account with a declining balance.
Next refresh Show the date for the next refresh of the balance value. This column shows for any account with an ascending or declining balance.
Initial balance Shows the balance at the beginning of an account refresh period. You can click to change this period. The initial setting is the same as the default balance upon refresh value for a billing list. This column only shows for an account with a declining balance.
Max allowed balance Shows the maximum allowed balance for an account with an ascending balance. You can click to change value period. The initial setting is the same as the default maximum allowed value for a billing list with ascending balances. This column only shows for an account with an ascending balance.
Refresh period Shows the refresh period for an account. You can click to change this setting. The initial refresh period is the default refresh period for a billing list. This column shows for any account with an ascending or declining balance.

The following commands are available by clicking buttons at the bottom of this form.

Option Description
Add secondary accounts Click an existing account and then click this button to add secondary accounts under the selected account. After you add the secondary account, enter the Account Name and Pin Code just as you would for a primary account.
Remove selected accounts Click and existing account and then click this button remove the account. For a primary account, this also removes any secondary accounts that have been added under it.