Component RRTs
Component RRT ID
The RRT ID for this component is WND.
Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.
Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)
The following tables describe the reserved RRTN values for this component.
External RRTs
Label | RRTN | Description |
Windream Server Name | Server | The name of the Windream server. |
Windream User Name | User | The name of the Windream user. |
Windream Domain | Domain | The domain, to which the Windream user belongs. |
Windream Path | Path | The document path on the Windream server. |
File Name | Filename | The document name on the Windream server. |
Folder Name | Foldername | The name of the created folder. |
Document Object Type | DocObjecttype | The Windream document object type. |
Folder Object Type | FolderObjecttype | The Windream folder object type. |
Document ID | DocumentID | The uploaded document ID. |
Internal RRTs
Label | RRTN | Description |
GUID String | GUID | The GUID string. This string is generated at run time and can be used in the Rename schema inside the component settings. |
File Name | FileName | The original name of the uploaded file. |
File Extension | FileExt | The original extension of the uploaded file. |