Send to Folder component RRTs
Component RRT ID
The RRT ID for the Send to Folder component is STF.
Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)
The following table describes the reserved RTN values for Schema field of this component.
Internal RRTs
Name | Description |
FileName | The original file name value. |
Counter | An incremental counter based on the duplicate file names found within a
directory. The counter value concatenated with a name provides a unique file name.
To use this RRTN to distinguish otherwise identical file names,
you must clear the Overwrite existing file check box in the
General options. For more information, see documentation
for the Schema option on the General tab.
FileExt | Original file extension value |
The following example provides some sample usage for your reference:
The RRT schema ~STF::FileName~~STF::Counter~ is replaced with the value “Document5” if the original file name was “Document” and there were already 4 files with the same name (Document1 to Document4) in the destination folder path.
The Reserved RTN values FileName, Counter, FileExt can only be used with the Rename field of this component. In other words, you may not use ~STF::FileName~, ~STF::Counter~, or ~STF::FileExt~ in any component other than the Send to Folder eConnector, and they must only be used with the Rename field of this component.
Use the C format specifiers to create and display the counter with the required number of leading spaces or leading zeros. For example, if the file name is Test.doc, and the rename schema is ~STF::FileName~~STF::Counter:03~~STF::FileExt~, then the resulting file names are Test001.doc, Test002.doc, and so forth. If the file name is Test.doc and the rename schema is ~STF::FileName~~STF::Counter:3~~STF::FileExt~, then the resulting file names are Test 1.doc, Test 2.doc, and so forth (note the 2 spaces after "Test").
External RRTs
Name | Description |
FolderPath.Number | The path to the output directory, where Number is a folder number in the component configuration. |
FilePath.FolderNumber,FileNumber | The path to the output file, where FolderNumber is a folder number in the component configuration and the FileNumber is a number of file position in the knowledge object. |
FileName.FolderNumber,FileNumber | The name to the output file, where FolderNumber is a folder number in the component configuration and the FileNumber is a number of file position in the knowledge object. |
FileExt.FolderNumber,FileNumber | The extension to the output file, where FolderNumber is a folder number in the component configuration and the FileNumber is a number of file position in the knowledge object. |
FilesCount | The number of files that are routed by the component. |
FoldersCount | The number of output folders specified in the component configuration. |
You can specify an asterisk character '*' in any of variables used in the external RRTs. In this case, the RRT will be replaced with all corresponding values, for example:
- ~STF::FolderPath.*~ will be replaced with all folders paths.
- ~STF::FilePath.*,*~ will be replaced with paths of all routed files in all specified folders.
Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTN)
This component does not have any FRTNs and replacement of field names with metadata values.
Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)
This component supports the Date/Time tag names listed below:
Name | Description |
%a | Abbreviated English weekday name (Sun – Sat) |
%A | Full English weekday name (Sunday – Saturday) |
%b | Abbreviated English month name (Jan – Dec) |
%B | Full English month name (January – December) |
%d | Day of month as 2-digit decimal number (01 – 31) |
%H | Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23) |
%I | Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12) |
%j | Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366) |
%m | Month as decimal number (01 – 12) |
%M | Minute as decimal number (00 – 59) |
%p | Current locale’s A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock |
%S | Second as decimal number (00 – 59) |
%U | Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53) |
%w | Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0) |
%W | Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53) |
%y | Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99) |
%Y | Year with century, as decimal number |
Examples usage of the above SSRTN include:
The RRT schema “~STF::%Y~-~STF::%m~” will be replaced by “2004-10”